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Saint Paul College A Community & 技术学院


The 图书馆 is located in the Learning Commons area on the main floor in room 1262.

The 图书馆 offers 26 computers with full printing, a copy machine and book scanner, 资料室, and the state’s largest circulating culinary collection at over 6,000种图书!

访问 to electronic resources on the 图书馆 page requires a StarID login when off-campus (AllData is the only resource that are on-campus only). Checking out physical materials requires a student photo ID, state ID, or passport.


The Saint Paul College 图书馆 fosters an inclusive community of empowered learners by providing access to information, 的想法, 指令, 和灵感.


Your Student Photo ID is your 图书馆 Card. Your photo ID is required to check anything out of the 图书馆. Our electronic resources require your StarID for access when you are off-campus, but MnLink (the statewide library catalog) requires logging in with the barcode on the back of your ID and your last name. If you do not have or have lost your student ID, we will only accept a driver’s license or state photo ID for checking out materials.


Books can be renewed twice if there are no holds on them. Reserve materials can only be used within the 图书馆. Magazines and videos cannot be renewed - they need to be back in circulation for 24 hours before they can be checked out again.


超过270件的收藏,000本书(超过250本),000 of which are accessible anywhere, 任何时候), 158年期刊, 和46,000 streaming videos and DVDs includes subject areas such as 自由 arts and sciences, 业务, 计算机职业, 健康, 服务, 技术与贸易.

The 图书馆 offers digital resources such as Films On Demand (over 46,000流媒体视频), 电子书(超过250本),000!), and millions of articles in its databases.

The SPC 图书馆 also contains the largest culinary collection in Minnesota, 超过5,600个标题和增长. Titles can be checked out directly by MinnState students, 工作人员, 教师, and can be found on MnLink for interlibrary loan.

The 图书馆 is integrated into the MnPALS consortium, which provides access to 59 other MnPALS libraries and millions of resources. This includes all Minnesota State Colleges & 大学校园, some private colleges (including CLIC) and state agencies, as well as many public library sy阀杆s through interlibrary loan.


图书馆 工作人员 are committed to fulfilling the 图书馆 mission through ongoing 服务 and education. 图书馆 工作人员 encourage full access to library information resources and 服务. Lifelong learning, critical thinking skills and ongoing information literacy are emphasized. Educational guidance is provided for both print and multimedia information resources. Ongoing individual and classroom 指令 is provided upon request. The 图书馆 is also committed to be an informational resource and educational support to 教师 and 工作人员.

资源 & Collection Development Policy

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